Saturday, April 08, 2006

stranded in dreamtown

a.a. had lost her reserves of energy from a marathon day of testing and after a period of vegging out with smoke and video games she was ready to pass out for a few minutes. she set two alarms and wiled me into lying down with her. after we made out i lay there and watched her fall asleep, then stared at the ceiling trying to imagine myself sleeping. it was 9:30. having told a friend we would meet him downtown, i knew we would not meet him. suddenly i was hearing alarms going off, sounding like passing ships in the dream-sea. their snooze buttons silenced them like a hand across the throat. i was alone.

the next thing i remember, i was being asked by my company to find several dozen of their employees who had become scattered across the Levant. meanwhile a.a. was planning a trip to her school where a musical production would feature music by an acquaintance of mine Robert Scancarello. i felt very distant from her and i was told the production was only open to students and faculty.

at this point the dream set me free to find myself stranded at 1:30 in a silent and dark apartment. i ventured into the living room to find some companion for myself. it was time to circumvent my own circadian rhythms. i needed a drink.

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